Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Backpacking Yellowstone—Southwest (5 of 5): Pitchstone Plateau; Bechler; Lone Star

A high meadow near Douglas Knob.

View from the pit toilet at site 9D3.

Footbridge near Shoshone Meadows and site 8G1.

After I made camp at 8G1, I set off on a day hike to Shoshone Geyser Basin, following the trail down Shoshone Creek.

Approaching the geyser basin.

Various thermal features in Shoshone Geyser Basin. 

Union Geyser cone.

Looking toward Shoshone Lake.

 Back at camp. Evening at Shoshone Meadows.

The following day, looking across a meadow on the upper Firehole River, near campsite 0A3.

Upper Firehole River.

Lonestar Geyser, getting warmed up.

Coyote near Lonestar Geyser.

Lonestar Geyser eruption.

Closeup of Lonestar.

 The bicycle trail between Lonestar Geyser and the trailhead.

Part 1 of 5
Part 2 of 5
Part 3 of 5
Part 4 of 5


  1. Thanks for your pics! My son and I are headed to Shohone Lake in a week and are looking forward to it.


  2. Thanks, Pete! I hope you guys have a great trip.

  3. Wow. You took all the pics I didn't. We just hiked from Beckler ranger station, to Lone Star geyser, and the only wildlife we saw was a little two-point buck back at Bckler when we went to retrieve the other vehicle.
