Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Backpacking Yellowstone—Southwest (4 of 5): Pitchstone Plateau; Bechler; Lone Star

Heading toward the mouth of Bechler Canyon.

Ouzel Falls.

Along the Bechler River in the canyon.

Falls colors.

Young bull moose.

Colonnade Falls.

Bechler River above Colonnade Falls.

Chipmunk in site 9B5.

Iris Falls.

A park ranger told me to look for a spring "shooting out of the hillside" and said I should fill my bottles there because it was the best tasting water in the park. It was excellent water.

 American dipper at campsite 9B9.

More fall colors.

Three Rivers Patrol Cabin.

The three rivers area just above the cabin.

Thermal area on the lower Ferris Fork.

Mr. Bubbles.

Outlet channel from one of the hot springs.

Climbing out of Bechler Canyon along the Gregg Fork.

Twister Falls.

The Gregg Fork, near campsite 9D2.

Part 1 of 5
Part 2 of 5
Part 3 of 5

Part 5 of 5

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