Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quick Trip Through Yellowstone

We got there early, but the wildlife was still scarce, perhaps because the unseasonably warm weather is keeping them at higher elevations.  The tourists, however, were plentiful.  The ranger at the park entrance said "As long as it stays warm, they don't leave."

Morning clouds settled in the valley of the Yellowstone River near Tower.

I love this pic. Mari was fully in the moment and didn't know I was taking it.  

Tower Fall.

Lone Bison in the lower Lamar Valley.

The upper Lamar Valley with smoke from some nearby fires.

A very distant bald eagle.

The old bridge at the Pebble Creek campground is gone.  The campground host said, as far as he knows, they don't plan to rebuild it.

Here's a pic I took of the old bridge in May 2010.

Looking across Yellowstone Lake at smoke from the Point Fire.

Lake Hotel through the haze.

Colorful steam along the boardwalk to Grand Prismatic Spring.

The thick steam prevented a really good picture of Grand Prismatic Spring. One of these years we're going to hike up the ridgeline in the background and get an "aerial" pic.

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