Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Smoked Out

All the thick smoke at my place was making it difficult for me to get any work done, so I've gone to Bozeman where the air is much clearer.  Mari and I are planning a one-day trip to Yellowstone on Monday, so let's hope the bears are feeling photogenic.

From the Missoulian (9/11/2011):  No matter which way the wind blows this week, most of western Montana will be under a blanket of wildfire smoke.  "Unfortunately, the Bitterroot Valley isn't going to see any help from rain for a while, and because it is surrounded by multiple wildfires, it will continue to have heavy smoke," said Trent Smith, meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Missoula.  "The only thing that will really help is if we get a really wet precipitation event, which is not forecast in the near future - not for at least seven days." With seasonally high temperatures, wildfires could actually grow this week, Smith said.

1 comment:

  1. Such a bummer about all the fires. Glad you made some fun alternative plans. I'll be looking for that bear picture.
