Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sula Autumn

A cool front has brought frosty mornings, crisp afternoons and a good rain to put a damper on the fires.

Leaving a clear blue sky.

Warm afternoon sun.

Changing leaves.

And falling leaves.

And the river keeps on flowing.


  1. Beautiful post. From the photos, you can almost smell that crispness in the autumn air.

  2. Thanks, Mari. In the interest of full disclosure, I went back in a couple of times after my initial comment a did some editing and rearranging.

  3. I love the first days of Autumn. There's a promise of extra blankets and bacony breakfasts that curls my toes.

  4. That was the shortest summer ever, so I'm not quite ready for the change. Bacon does make everything better, though.

    Incidentally, I went a little Shakespearean with my last comment, substituting "a" for "and." Sort of like how the Bard used "a" for "he," and had Horatio saying to Hamlet "I saw him once. A was a goodly king."
