Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



  1. How majestic IS the moon????!!!?? priceless!

  2. Took me a couple of days to think over if I should write or not...but I liked the music and it was nice seeing that you are happy. It's funny how I thought of you recently as someone pointed out my scar from the gall bladder surgery. Hurt like hell...I remember you were in a lot of pain as well...Clyde, grandpa, passed away last October - it's still difficult as he was my one and only father figure, I cry and smile at the same time. Betty, grandma is doing the best she can. She's in a home now and her memory is letting her down. You once (maybe even twice!) used to show me your writing, I'm glad you are writing! By now, you might remember who I am. Take care Cliffa-head!! It's good to see you again! ;)

  3. Hey, okitexan! Your grandparents were great, so I know this is a hard time. I bet that mean old goose is still around causing trouble, though. Yeah, that gall bladder surgery is painful. Sorry you had to go through that, too. Perhaps you had better timing than I did, and didn't go in during finals week of your last semester of college. It's good to hear from you. I hope you are happy as well, all things considered.

  4. The goose - Lucy, who turned out to be Lucifer, was sacrificed as some family's dinner a long time ago! Montana huh? What a difference from Texas but I have heard many great things about the place. Your pictures are amazing! I live in Japan and probably will be here for a while. Life is good but still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up...Well, if you don't mind, I'll probably come and visit your site once in a while and read your stuff....
