Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A little airish in Sula

This morning it was 12 below.  When I raised the blinds on this window there was ice on the inside.  I can't wait to see what it does when it gets really cold.


  1. Bust out your snow shoes and start walking south to Miami! 81 degrees and dry today...can't beat the weather here in the winter!

  2. A'ight, Den. I was worried you went to Afghanistan.

  3. We were bundled up and the little blue haired ladies were stocking up on water and canned goods yesterday. It was around 38 degrees and SNOWING in Dallas. Streets were gridlocked and stores were busy. What would we do down here if we had weather like you are having?!?!?
