Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Across the Bob—Days 2 and 3

I didn't plan to take a day off so early in the trip, but I took Day 2 off to let the trail dry out a little.  I was tempted to try to eat all my heavy food that day to lighten my pack.  On Day 3 I hiked from Lake Creek over Gateway Pass to Big River Meadows.

Another look at the little gorge on the South Fork of Birch Creek.

Small waterfall farther up the South Fork.

The trail was in much better shape in most places.

Another waterfall on the South Fork.

Heading up toward Gateway Pass on a cool, gray day.


Over Gateway Pass (no view up there) to Big River Meadows.

"Get off my lawn!"  This squirrel objected to where I put my tent.

View from camp.

It was a chilly, gray afternoon, with flecks of cold rain in the wind.  I think the weather kept the wildlife hunkered down in the trees, because I didn't see anything.  Even that angry squirrel gave up early and went away.


  1. Great Pictures and your views of Montana life are welcome. Thanks and keep it up!

    Marc. Simkins
    Seoul, Korea

  2. Thanks, Marc! Welcome to the blog.
