Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Across the Bob—Day 4

On Day 4 I hiked from Big River Meadows through Gateway Gorge and then up Bowl Creek to Grizzly Park.

Approaching Gateway Gorge.

Gateway Gorge.

South of the gorge the trail entered the area burned in the 2007 Fool Creek Fire.  Apparently 2007 was a big fire year, with both this one and the Ahorn Creek Fire farther south covering a lot of acreage in the Bob.  Wildflowers and birds, especially hummingbirds, were abundant.

I love how they left the old charred Trail Creek sign up there.

Paintbrushes and other assorted wildflowers.

Fording Strawberry Creek.

Garter snake sunning in the trail.

Grizzly Park is a small open area most of the way up Bowl Creek toward Sun River Pass. A lot of the surrounding forest burned in the Fool Creek Fire, but many of the trees lining the park survived. Beavers have dammed Bowl Creek here, creating a small marsh rich with wildlife.

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