Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Friday, June 25, 2010

Hiking the East Fork

It was an overcast day, with a chance of rain, so I packed my raingear (as always) but left Shakespeare at home in case I got caught in a deluge.  After I got a few miles down the trail, the sky got dark and the wind kicked up.  Although I had my raingear, I didn't necessarily want to have to use it right then so I turned around.  It was a good hike, and I got back to the trailhead before the serious stuff hit.

The river is still up after the wet spring.

Mule deer.

Smattering of wildflowers

Red-naped sapsucker.

Looking downstream on the return trip.

On the way out and the on the way back, I flushed a spotted sandpiper from the same spot near the trail.  I figured she must have a nest on the ground here.  It's well-disguised in the center of this pic.

Closer look.

1 comment:

  1. Those are gorgeous and I'm envious. The man be keepin' me down and not out on the trail.

    I like the surprised look of the muley, like "what in the Sam Hell are you doing on my trail?" Oh and there's another sucker for your bird watching, LDB.
