Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Monday, June 28, 2010

Full Moon Rising

I was tempted to quote the CCR song, but there's nothing bad about this moon.  If you ever get the chance to watch a full moon rise over a nearby ridgeline in an otherwise dark sky, it's worth the effort to see it.

These are from different vantage points.  I tried everything I could think of to get the moon and the trees to focus, but I only got the trees.


  1. Nice pics! Any wolves howling when you were taking the pictures? D-Liz

  2. Thanks, D-Liz. No wolves, so I had to howl solo.

  3. I do that myself. It is usually on a full moon. The problem is I grow fangs and grow hair like Chewbacca. It doesn't go over too well with the locals. D-Liz

  4. But the chicks dig it, right?

  5. Absolutely beautiful pics...wish I were there to see it in person...SOS
