Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Mild Winter, So Far

It has been a mild winter so far, after a brutal and early start that ruined the fall colors and froze my septic tank. January has been much milder than December was. We are in the second week of a warm spell with lows in the mid 20s and highs in the mid 30s. And that's in Sula, which the locals talk about as if it was the Siberia of the Bitterroot Valley.

The river froze solid for a few weeks. I gave it a significant stress test by walking on and across it several times. I had planned to walk down it for a mile or so, like on a wide, frozen pathway, but it appears I have missed my chance. The warmer temps have caused the ice to crack in places and completely cave in in others.

 Looking upstream.

Looking downstream.

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