Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Snow Removal

Got several inches of snow last night, so I had to break out the snow shovel.  It's not very deep, but I like to stay ahead of it.  According to the weather reports, there's a chance of snow just about every day from now until Memorial Day.


  1. I'm thinking you need a bigger shovel...or, even better, someone to shovel it FOR you!

    I have several candidates in mind...I'm sure we won't miss them here, and I KNOW you would enjoy their company! Ha! (That made me laugh!)

  2. You're so crazy. I'm betting none of those candidates has ever even held a shovel. They may be effective snow blowers, but not at my place.

  3. A good day of shoveling is better than any full night of neck and leg dancing!

  4. Den. That makes me want some Double Daves pizza rolls.

  5. get all up in the stromboli
