Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Friday, December 18, 2009

On the River

I ventured a short distance out on the frozen ice of the river.  I'll wait for another hard freeze before I push it any further.  The river isn't deep, but I'd rather not do any wading until summer.


  1. You'd better be careful. We don't need to find a Cliffsicle floating in the river!

  2. Judging by those tracks you've been marching with the BQ's in the quad again! Perfect lines...just look out for the pennies!

  3. Your not into the polar bear swim Cliff? Come to Coeur d'Alene on New Years Day and watch all the crazy people dip into the lake. It will make you get hypothermia just watching.

    Are you surviving ok so far? All our snow melted off pretty much.


  4. Den. I had to walk a straight line to make it the shortest distance out onto the ice and back.

    Laura, I don't think I can get drunk enough to do the polar bear dip. Do you and Jesse take that plunge? I'm still loving my first real winter. We'll see how I feel about it in March.
