Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Backpacking Yellowstone—Northeast: Lamar River; Miller Creek; Hoodoo Basin (Part 2 of 3)

Day 2. Hiking up Miller Creek

Remnants of an old, burned tree.

Petrified tree stump above the trail.

This looked like a petrified tree branch encased in rock, but I'm no paleontologist.

 Chipmunk nibbling seed heads. 

Balance and determination.

 Starting the 2,000 foot climb toward the Hoodoo Basin.

Things I didn't expect to see so high up the ridge: 


Wild strawberries.


A thousand feet higher. The trail continued to climb parallel to the ridge crest, alternating between partially or wholly burned forest and grassy expanses. 

 Faint trail, dark sky.

Whipping winds and rain at this point, but at least there was no lightning. The wind soon died down, and the rain slacked off to a chilly drizzle.

Petrified wood chips. My scientific method for identifying petrified wood is tapping prospective bits with my walking stick. If they go thud, they are just plain old wood. If they go clack, they are petrified. These were all clackers. I picked up a few pieces for closer examination, and then put them all back where I'd found them.

Approaching Parker Peak.

Parker Peak, from the high saddle on its shoulder.

Looking from the shoulder of Parker Peak into the upper Hoodoo Basin. The famous hoodoos are still about a mile beyond this point.

Campsite 3M6.


First view of the hoodoos, in uncooperative, mid-day lighting.

One of the more photographed formations.

Same formation, from the base.

Some of the other formations.

Snow and wildflowers near the base of the hoodoos.

Looking the other direction.

Part 3 is here.

1 comment:

  1. So what is a hoodoo exactly? Looks like a long hike to get to them. They are neat looking but seem out of place. They should be in a cave....
