Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Backpacking Yellowstone--Northwest: Sky Rim, Shelf Lake, High Lake, Sportsman Lake, Electric Pass, Glenn Creek Trailhead (Part 3 of 3)

After a chill-out day at Sportsman Lake, I hiked out over Electric Pass on Day 7.

Short-tailed weasel. I think I inadvertently interrupted its hunt. 

Check out those feet.

Electric Peak from high on Electric Pass.

Young yellow-bellied marmot.

Older marmot.

 Another marmot, peeking out of the rocks near the top of the pass.

The high ridge to the southeast of Electric Pass. Still a fair amount of snow on the high, north-facing slopes.

Descending from Electric Pass, toward the upper Gardner River.

These flowers reminded me of a Monet painting.

 Electric Peak, silhouetted in the afternoon sun.

A distant Electric Peak, taken on a rainy evening from near the Glen Creek Trailhead at the end of the trip.

Next trip: Lamar River, Miller Creek, Hoodoo Basin.

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