Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring in Yellowstone

On Monday, Mari and I made a quick trip to Yellowstone.  We left her house at 4:00 am and drove the 90 miles to the north entrance of the park, arriving with the first morning light.  We didn't see any bears, wolves or moose, but we saw most of the usual suspects (deer, elk, pronghorn, bison and coyote) and a lot of birds.

Bison at dawn.

Sandhill Crane.

Still a lot of snow in the upper Lamar Valley.

Heavy runoff near Tower.

Looking across the valley of the Yellowstone River toward the Lamar Valley.


Ruddy Duck.  You gotta love that blue bill.

Barrow's Goldeneye.



Undine Falls.

Jaywalking elk.

 Deep snow at Canyon.

Deeper snow in Hayden Valley.  This drift was about 12 feet high.

 Yellowstone River in Hayden Valley.

Hayden Valley runoff.

Share the road.

Lower Falls from Artist Point.

Bald eagle over the Madison River.


  1. Blown away by how much snow there still is.

  2. Hello gorgeous! Yellowstone never ceases to amaze me, nice photos!
