Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Waiting the lame feet of spring

Spring, or what passes for it, has been unusually cold and wet this year.  

This time last year.



  1. I have a little seasonal affective disorder just looking at the picture!

  2. You and me both, Brian. You bring up a good point--we are getting more than 12 hours of sunlight per day now, which is good for the psyche, but it's still SAD when you can't go outside without having to walk through a deep layer of slush.

  3. Yeah, I remember what it's like up there. February is the worst though. At least by the end of March you KNOW you're getting close.

  4. Close would be late-May... March is probably going to put us over the proverbial edge! We have to remind ourselves of the grueling Texas summers while we are enjoying a much cooler July and August up here. Come on summer.

  5. *Sigh* looks like we are going to have to wait even longer this year to get up to our cabin. We tried to last year on Memorial Day weekend and got stuck in our drive (thanks to drifts). I'm thinking more mid to late June before we can drive up there this year. Keep the pictures posted, it'll help us decide :)

  6. Will do, Rhonda. In case it helps with the decision-making, the elevation at my place is about 5,100 feet. Around here, just about everything below 4,500 is pretty clear.
