Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flat Stanley in Sula

The Bitterroot Valley was explored by Lewis and Clark.  And Stanley.
Stanley:  "Brrr.  I'm ready to go discover a cup of hot chocolate."
Me: "Way to get into the intrepid mountain man spirit."
Stanley:  "Dude.  I don't have any insulation."

"Going skiing!"

 "In the chute!"

Stanley:  "Watch how fast I can ski to the bottom of this hill."
Me:  "You'll be down in no time, flat."
Stanley:  "Not funny."
Me:  "I'm not saying, . . . I'm just saying . . ."
Stanley:  "I'm not flat.  I'm girthologically challenged."
Me:  "Whatever you say."

Stanley: "Waaaaaaa!!"
Stanley:  "Okay, I'm done skiing.  Let's go to the house."

Me:  "Look, Stanley.  Your own wilderness cabin."
 Stanley: "That's just wrong."

1 comment:

  1. I love it - you should write Children's books now - The Adventures of Mountain Man Stanley! Stanley is SO lucky to have a beautiful mountain cabin. I'll bet it smells just like pancakes!

    Thanks for taking Stanley on your adventures!
