Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Monday, January 31, 2011

Cross-Country Skiing

 On Friday, Mari and I made our first trip up to the Chief Joseph Pass Cross Country Ski Trails.

This is the short drive between Highway 43 and the parking area.  The snow was about 68 inches deep. 

Not too crowded (my kind of place).

 There are about 15 miles of trails.  The Bitterroot Cross Country Ski Club grooms the trails at least once a week.

My own self.

Mari, the Bohemian Snow Bunny.

Members of the Bitterroot Cross Country Ski Club clearing the roof of the backcountry warming hut.

This area had that top-of-the-world feeling.  The elevation is around 7,300 feet.

Part of the Continental Divide Trail.


Couple of Montanans.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flat Stanley in Sula

The Bitterroot Valley was explored by Lewis and Clark.  And Stanley.
Stanley:  "Brrr.  I'm ready to go discover a cup of hot chocolate."
Me: "Way to get into the intrepid mountain man spirit."
Stanley:  "Dude.  I don't have any insulation."

"Going skiing!"

 "In the chute!"

Stanley:  "Watch how fast I can ski to the bottom of this hill."
Me:  "You'll be down in no time, flat."
Stanley:  "Not funny."
Me:  "I'm not saying, . . . I'm just saying . . ."
Stanley:  "I'm not flat.  I'm girthologically challenged."
Me:  "Whatever you say."

Stanley: "Waaaaaaa!!"
Stanley:  "Okay, I'm done skiing.  Let's go to the house."

Me:  "Look, Stanley.  Your own wilderness cabin."
 Stanley: "That's just wrong."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sometimes . . .

the beer just isn't cold enough when you get it home from the store.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Flat Stanley's first Montana road trip

 "On the road again."

At the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana.
"Is there someone behind me?  Uh oh."
"I sure hope that's a flatosaurus."

 "Sometimes I get a little carried away."

Stanley:  "Look at these mountains!  Where I come from it's kinda flat."
Me:  "No doubt."
Stanley:  "Not funny."

The Yellowstone River, east of Livingston, Montana.  This is Lewis and Clark country.  On their return trip in 1806, Lewis and Clark divided their party in western Montana so they could explore more country.  Clark's party took a southerly route, eventually traveling over land to cross Bozeman Pass.  When they reached the Yellowstone River near here, they built dugout canoes and headed downstream to reunite with Lewis on the Missouri River.

 Mule deer.

 Wisdom, Montana.  "I feel smarter already."

 Deep snow at Lost Trail Pass.
"I'm not getting out in that.  They wouldn't find me until June."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Paradise Valley

Last weekend we went to Chico Hot Springs to get a change of scenery and to see Tom Catmull and the Clerics perform in the saloon there.  The hot springs are in Paradise Valley, which runs from north of Yellowstone to Livingston, Montana.

The Absaroka Mountains southeast of Livingston.

Makes sense.  Paradise Found in Paradise Valley.
Our cabin at Chico Hot Springs.

The view from the cabin.
 Looking the other way.

On Saturday we left to take a drive through Paradise Valley.

 The Yellowstone River.

Cow elk.

Bull elk.

Heading back toward Livingston.
At a gas station in Livingston.

Tom Catmull and the Clerics put on another awesome show and had the crowd dancing, hopping and yelling "Diesel horn!"  The saloon was a little bit of a walk from the cabin, so I didn't lug my camera over there, which means I didn't get any pics of the band at this show.  Here's a pic I took of them when they played Lapin's Garden in June 2010.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Flat Stanley Comes to Sula

I think everybody knows Penni, a good friend and frequent commenter from the Dallas area.  Her son's class is doing a Flat Stanley project, so His Flatness has come to visit me in Sula.  This ain't my first flat rodeo.  I helped one of my nieces with a similar project about 10 years ago, but I lived in Fort Worth back then and didn't have a digital camera.  This time around should be a little better, which will probably make my niece mad at me.  For those that don't know who Flat Stanley is, here's his Wikipedia entry.

Stanley: "Whew!  A little claustrophobic in there."

Me: "Dude. What's up with the tie?  You got an interview with the Montana Flattlemen's Association?"
Stanley: "Is this how you treat your guests?"
Me: "The ones with ties.  We don't wear ties in Sula."

Stanley: "Brrr.  I don't think I brought enough clothes."

Me: "You gotta dress in layers up here."
Stanley: "I AM a layer."
Me:  So . . .when are you leaving?

Stanley:  "Hey! Look at me!  I grew a mountain man beard.  Now I fit in."

Stanley: "My first snow angel!"

Me: "That's not a snow angel.  It's a dent."

Stanley: "Hey.  I have a high strength-to-weight ratio, like titanium."
Me:  "If you say so."

Stanley:  "Here birdie, birdie.  Are you sure this is safe?  I don't want to end up as nesting material."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Random Winter Pics From Sula


Fence line.

Sunny day.

 East Fork of the Bitterroot.

American dipper.