Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Monday, July 26, 2010

Backpacking to Fish Lake

This was a quick one-night trip, 6 miles one-way, with 2,000 feet elevation gain.  The first 4.5 miles of the trail are an ATV road.

Higher up, the view opens up.

It's still spring at the higher elevations.

Descending toward Fish Lake.

Close to the lake, the trail passes through a patch of lupines, close relatives to Texas Bluebonnets.

The view from camp.

I took this pic on the hike out the next morning, about halfway up the ridge.  A bald eagle flew in to inspect the lake, but I was shooting toward the morning sun and at a moving subject, so the pics didn't turn out too well.

A view of the Bitterroot Mountains to the west, in the late morning sun.


  1. Did you bring your fly rod? I know someone who has a collection of antique flies purchased at a pawn shop in the 1960's for next to nothing. I know for a fact you could pick them up for say,--$4063.27. Of course the shipping would be free and they will catch fish if properly presented!*

  2. I knew a Fish Lake wait that was Fish Gomez...sorry my mistake!

  3. I could've used Fish Gomez on that trip. He could've help carry my gear. Den.
