Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Backpacking Food

I'm starting my 110-mile trip through the Bob on Sunday, a week earlier than I had originally planned.  Here's most of the food for the trip (I'll repackage a lot of it into Ziploc baggies):  Oatmeal, beef jerky, nuts, dried fruit, Power Bars and gel shots, Clif Roks (protein) and Clif Shots (carbs). The demands and constraints of long range backpacking make you look at menu items not as food, but only as nourishment. Luckily, I'm not a foodie.

All this food is heavy.  On this trip I'm bringing a stronger rope for my bear hang.


  1. If you run out, I understand that insects and grubs are actually very nutritious! Good luck buddy!

  2. Thanks BMac. There are a lot of ants out there. Good source of protein.

  3. You need some bread and peanut butter. No ants, yucky.

  4. I understand if you bring a picture of a birthday cake and if you look at it long enough, you will begin to feel full. *

  5. Penni, I think my bread would get smushed on the way in.

    The birthday cake idea is intriguing. Kind of like how if you stand by the ocean, it sounds like holding a sea shell to your ear.

  6. Um...don't they make freeze dried wine or beer? Another reason I would not be a good hiker.

  7. LDB, that would be awesome, like Tang, but for alcoholic beverages. It may not be good for a long trip, though. I'd get honky-tonk amnesia and forget where I was going, or maybe stop and build a raft and float on a lake somewhere for a few days.

  8. Or he might get beer goggles in the wilderness...
