Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Like a guest that won't leave

It was a snowy morning on Tuesday.

By mid-afternoon, the temperature warmed up to a balmy 34°, and most of the snow melted. 

Then the lawn maintenance crew showed up.

This little guy is working on his spikes.


  1. You can't even pay for a lawn crew that dedicated in the Bitterroot!

  2. What is that on the bird feeder on the left in the top picture? I believe I recognize it but I am not sure. *

  3. Do you mean the snow, or the dark-eyed junco?

  4. enjoy the cool weather bud, was 94 here today although it will cool some later this week. summer is running right at us.

  5. 94 already? Whew! That seems a little early. Time for indoor sports.

  6. I thought that was a dark-eyed junco but I wasn't positive. *
