Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hiking Blodgett Canyon Overlook

I had to go to Hamilton on Friday to have my snow tires switched out and get the last of the deer scars buffed out of my back door.  While driving aimlessly around town in my loaner Jeep, I ended up on the Forest Service Road to the Blodgett Canyon Overlook trailhead.  I hadn't planned to hike, but I had a couple of hours to spend, so I went on up.  It's a short hike, just three miles round trip with only 540 feet elevation gain. 

This is near the beginning of the trail, looking back toward Canyon Creek.

"I'm just a tree stump, not a Columbian ground squirrel or anything."

A rock formation at the end of the trail, at the rim of Blodgett Canyon.

Looking west, up Blodgett Canyon.

Looking east over Hamilton and the Bitterroot Valley at the Sapphire Mountains.


  1. Those are exquisite. Sorry to have missed this beautiful, yet impromtu, hike. Looking west toward Blodgett is my favorite pic.

  2. George Eastman would be proud of you and Kodak just plain jealous. These are some fine photos.*
