Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Country Evening

With the snow finally gone and the weather so nice, I fired up the fire ring for the first time since the fall.  Once the coals were right, I cooked some sausage and beans (sorry, no food pics).

The view from the house.

My neighbor across the river was burning off his pasture.  It made for a neat effect.

The East Fork at dusk.

Venus and the moon setting over the western ridgeline.

By the light of the slivery moon.

Mercury was visible, too, directly below the moon, right above the clouds.  For a good guide to the current goings on in the night sky, see Sky and Telescope's website.


  1. Is that the famous reading chair by the fire ring? I was just curious, it kind of looks familiar. *

  2. My landlord was nice enough to leave two folding chairs on the deck. They are a little more portable than the reading chair. I need to get another chair to match my reading chair. They are worth looking into. Fifteen bucks at Lowes.
