Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Friday, March 19, 2010


Tomorrow is the vernal (spring) equinox, the day on which the sun crosses the equator, heading north.  Close to the equator, on the vernal equinox, days and nights are of equal length.  In Sula, Montana, today will be 12 hours and 6 minutes long, almost 3 1/2 hours longer than the shortest day back in late December.  For the first time since the autumnal equinox, days in Sula are now longer than they are in Dallas.

As further evidence of spring, some of the summer birds have begun to return.  The juncoes have returned in force, and the more solitary varied thrush passes through every now and then.

Varied thrush

Thrush and dark-eyed juncoes


  1. We are holding some of your finches hostage down here in SETX. I want $1.75 for the golden ones and $2.00 for the purple one. The total comes to $7.00. I want the money in unmarked bills. I warn you, do not try any funny stuff! If you call I will let you speak to them so you will know they are okay. DO NOT contact any branch of law enforcement! We are watching your every move.

  2. I figured you would hold out. Did you notice I gave you a 50 cent discount on the golden finches? Have you not seen this or are you this heartless? I do not know what to think!

  3. All you have is a stool pigeon. I know all about it. One of the juncoes came by and sang like a canary.
