Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tex-Mex Breakfast

I got hooked on migas when I lived in Corpus Christi, Texas.  When I moved to Dallas, I couldn't find anyone that made them right, so I had to make my own.  I don't always make these the same way.  Sometimes I vary the ingredients depending on what I have on hand and how industrious I feel.  Most recipes use oil to saute the tortillas, but if I'm frying or sauteing something, I use bacon grease.  Here's my most common method:

8 pieces uncooked bacon;
6 eggs;
6 corn tortillas (if they're large, a few more if they're small);
1 medium tomato, coarsely chopped;
Jalapenos--in this case, pickled is better than fresh because fresh ones won't cook enough.  I use Trappey's sliced jalapenos.  Take about 6-8 slices and cut them into quarters (or halves, if you prefer);
Garlic powder;
Onion powder.

In a large frying pan, cook the 8 pieces of bacon and set them aside, leaving the bacon grease in the pan.  Tear the tortillas into small bite-sized pieces and saute them in the bacon grease until they are crispy.  Remove the tortillas and set aside (you can leave them in, but they'll get a little soggy when you add the eggs).  In a large bowl, combine the eggs, tomato, jalapeno, garlic powder and onion powder and whisk together.  I never measure the garlic or onion powder.  I just add a couple of healthy shakes of each.

Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan.  When the eggs just start to firm up, add the tortillas back in and mix them in as you finish cooking the eggs.  I crumble the bacon on top of the migas when they're done.  You can also add shredded cheese, but do it while they're still hot in the pan so the cheese will melt.

This is before the bacon.
My food stylist said I should've added some cilantro for more color, but that would've made some jacked-up migas, so I didn't do it.  I don't care about presentation—it just has to taste good.

Options. If you use oil instead of bacon grease, you'll need to add salt, maybe 1/2 - 3/4 teaspoon.  If I'm feeling industrious and have everything on hand, I'll add some chopped onion and minced garlic when I'm sauteing the tortillas (let the tortillas get a little crispy first). If you do that, you can skip the powders.

To make these perfect, you should have some refried beans as a side, but I almost never do.  It takes too much planning to cook a pot of beans and then fry them up.  My migas are usually more spur-of-the-moment.


  1. Thank you for the caveat on presentation!

    It would just be wrong to use oil instead of bacon grease. Sometimes I make what is referred to as the truck driver breakfast, but these migas will make you bring back stuff you never even stole.

    By the way, we truly miss the Jethro sized jars of bacon grease courtesy of our dear friend, LDB.

  2. I gained weight just reading about it...gonna have ot go to the gym-Den

  3. You know...they sell refried beans in a can. They aren't homemade, but you can say they are if you open the can and warm them on the stove. Just my 2 cents...

  4. I've tried all brands of canned refried beans, and I really wanted to like them, but they all smell like dog food to me. I can't do it.

  5. I gained weight eating this, but it was so worth it.
