Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Painting the Bitterroot

This artist was working to capture a winter scene on the lower East Fork of the Bitterroot River in Sula.  The first time I saw him was last Thursday afternoon. 

I took these pictures from the road without stopping.  I would like to have seen how the painting was coming, but I didn't want to interrupt the creative process.  The Muse can be a fragile thing.

I stopped at the same spot late Friday morning to get a photo of the scene he was painting.  I wonder how tightly or widely he framed his painting.

He was back at it on Friday afternoon, like a good artist, out at the same time of day to capture the scene in the same lighting.

This is how the scene looked Sunday morning.  Need more white paint!

I know I've had a lot of art references in the last couple days.  It just happened that way.  Maybe I need to post another Hee Haw clip to bring down the level of discourse again.

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