Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Random Thoughts From Sula

  • I've been out of town for the past few days.  Mari left today to spend a few weeks in Dallas, so I went to Hamilton at the end of last week for some quality time.
  • That was a very clever comment by BMac about whether the blog's silence was due to my experiments with natural selection by ice walking.
  • I took Mari to the Missoula airport this morning for her 7 am flight.  I hadn't seen 4 am in a while.  Now I remember why.
  • There was freezing rain in the Missoula area this morning.  Montana residents don't have any special innate ability to drive on ice.
  • Studded snow tires work great on black ice.  Most city folk don't bother with studded snow tires.
  • I do random thoughts when I have nothing else to post.  Has anybody invented the term blogger's block yet?
  • I also do random thoughts because LDB likes the flowery bullet points.


  1. Possible topics:
    * Yellow snow caligraphy.
    * Songs with cowbells.
    * Whether steroids would help or hinder survival in Montana.
    * Favorite wood for burning.
    * What are you killing, cooking, eating?
