Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

White Christmas Eve

I've been told it's snowing in Dallas/Fort Worth.  In Sula, Montana it's a partly sunny 19°. There's still plenty of snow on the ground and in the trees from earlier in the week, so, technically, it'll be a white Christmas.  I'm not a big fan of technically.


  1. Yep Cliff it's about 33, wind blowing 20 mph and snowing here as well. at least we have a white christmas eve. its not sticking anywhere but it has the kiddos all excited. its fun for us adults too, cold and wintery outside, nice big pot of hot coffee inside.
    Merry Christmas bud!!

  2. Merry Christmas, D! That's great for the kids, of all ages. Good family time.

  3. I guess when he's talking about "fun for us adults"...he means his silly wife skipping around like an elf singing Christmas carols in the snow!!

  4. What ever gets you into the Christmas spirit. I bet the kids loved it.

  5. The snow was pretty cool. It looked like a blizzard on Christmas Eve. Adele went crazy in it...she's a snow dog. Today it is sunny and slick. Merry Christmas!
