Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's not cold

Still walking the mile and a half round trip to the mailbox.  If there's no wind, my face doesn't get cold until the temperature drops below 10°.  It was 4° on this day.  The sunlight on the snow casts a mean glare that'll give you a headache, so my old Oakleys come in handy.  I've had these since 2000, but haven't worn them in years since I'd stopped wearing contacts. 

When I get close to the main road, I fold the facemask back up to my forehead so I don't look so ridiculous. But then my breath condenses in my beard, and it freezes solid.

Brother squirrel isn't cold, either.


  1. The only comment I have on your "outfit" is - how inspiring!!! Run with it - how about writing a new c&w song - baby it's cold in Montana - strapped on the fat bastards today - like a fool, I went for a walk outside - baby it's cold in Montana - saw some yellow snow - you know what they say - wonder what it means - my whiskers done froze - I guess it confirms - baby it's cold in Montana!

  2. O M G...I am speechless. There are no words that describe how I feel about that picture. 'nuf said.

  3. Introducing MK our latest and greatest country singer! Who knew?

    I like the Montana look, Penni. Here in the hitherlands, it's either scruffy goatee or very long ponytail. I say leave the ponytails to me!

    I'm surprise LDB hasn't chimed in yet.

    Love all y'all.

  4. That looks painfully cold Cliff. I remember my mom making us walk quite a ways to the bus stop in Billings in -40. Um yeah, why do we live up here???

  5. My first thought was the return of Sasquatch! But it's probably too cold for him there...FYI record heat predicted in Miami today...85 warm sunny degrees...but who's counting....

  6. Here I am, Mari! I've been sick, but I got a shot in my smrt-ass yesterday and now I can comment. Cliff, that is your beard hanging out from under your mask??!! At first I thought someone had knitted you a lovely grayish-reddish-brownish scarf to keep your neck warm. By summer you'll be stepping on that thing. :)

  7. I love all these comments. Thanks, everybody.

    And LDB, I'm glad you're feeling better, but it's reddish-brownish-grayish.

  8. Yo big C! PT was saying she wants Dale to grow a beard just like it. She was talking with MK in the breakroom and saying how dreamy it would look on him. So, despite anything they said above or any other time, I heard the real story. You da man. DL

  9. DL...I know who you are and (as I tell my kids) you go THERE for lying the same as you do for out.

    Cliff knows EXACTLY how I feel about his hairy-squirrel-tail whiskers. Dreamy, my ass.

  10. Thanks, D-Liz. I suspected that might be it. As Hamlet's mother said "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

  11. Alright, Cliff...don't make me come up there. You know what will happen.

  12. I ain't scared. It's too cold up here for such a delicate flower.
