Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Monday, December 7, 2009

How cold is bitterly cold?

Forecast for Sula on December 7, 2009

Rest of Today:  Mostly sunny. Bitterly cold.  Highs 1 to 8. Southeast winds to 15 mph late in the morning. Wind chill readings 10 below to 20 below zero.

Tonight:  Partly cloudy. Bitterly cold. Lows 8 below to 15 below zero.

So far the lowest temperature I've seen was 18 below, which was this morning.  At least it's sunny.


  1. reminds me of the stories my oldest brother told me about his year in Alaska. no thanks. keep the critical body parts warm bud!

  2. It's not bad with the right gear: two pairs of socks; two pairs of gloves, two hats, and three or four layers everywhere else. The only problem is it takes a long time to get dressed.

  3. I see you are describing what you wear indoors ~ what do you put on for going outside?

    It's minus 4 where I am ~ and the sun is shining! Luckily, no wind, or we would really be in trouble here on the edge of the prairie.

  4. Hi Mary. I think you are only half joking about the clothing. But you are on the cold side of the Divide. I saw your post about making beans, where you said if the power goes out, finish them on a wood stove. If my power goes out, I'm going to Arizona. My heat is all electric.

  5. But, it's a dry cold...right???

  6. Yeah, that's it. Welcome back, Penni. I know you had a crazy busy week last week. We missed your wit.

  7. Glad you missed me! Still another crazy week to go. It's the North Pole Liquor Packing Room near my desk. 39 down, 24 to go. Ah, love the holidays at Baker! I've been keeping up...just too busy to comment!
