Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hiking Warm Springs Creek

This area was much greener when I hiked it in October.

Forest Service Road to the trailhead.  Several inches of snow were already on the road, and it was still snowing.  Much deeper and I would've needed to put on chains to get through.

Warm Springs Creek, so to speak.

The snow on the trail was at that awkward, in-between depth—deep enough to be a little difficult to walk in with boots, but not deep enough for snowshoes, which would've been even harder to walk in.

The creek still flows beneath the ice and snow.

Granite boulders covered with snow.

Further up the creek.  I didn't go too far.  It continued to snow, and I didn't want to have to chain up to be able to drive out.

This belted kingfisher fished what was left of the open water.

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