Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hiking up the East Fork

Now that hunting season is over, I have gotten out and done a little hiking in the snow.  These pics are from the trail up the East Fork of the Bitterroot River, about five miles upstream from where the river passes my cabin.

Forest Service road to the trailhead.

I wouldn't have attempted this without snow tires.

A few inches of snow on the trail.

The East Fork

This area was recently burned, probably in the big fires of 2000.  Natural reforestation is well under way.


  1. Did the hike require the F.B. snowshoes in addition to the snow tires? I know you are ready to give those puppies a trip down the trail.

  2. No showshoes yet. Someone asked me how deep is deep enough for snowshoes. I think the answer is, the snowshoes come out when it's too deep to walk without them.

  3. Now that is some beautiful scenery. I would wear the snowshoes anyway.

  4. Mari, listening to our man Radney right now. Cliff, is there a way to get email notifications of posts?

  5. Brian, I set up your e-mail address to get notifications of new posts. Let me know if you want me to change it.

    If anyone else wants e-mail notice of new posts, I can add you as long as I have your e-mail address. Just let me know. If you don't want to put your address in a comment, the e-mail address for the blog is
