Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

You'd Think it was Donner Pass

Amazon shipped my new camera tripod via FedEx.  On Monday afternoon the driver called and said he had to leave my package at the Sula Country Store (about 14 miles away) because he couldn't get down my road with all the snow on it.  Please! At the deepest spot, it was maybe three inches. After he called, I drove out to the main road just to be sure, and it was easy driving on the dry, crunchy snow.  I saw where he turned around about a half mile from my place. He drove a little past the intersection where other people had driven and turned off of my road.  I think he got scared when he saw a snow-covered road that no one had driven on.

On the way out.  Mush!

On the way back.  I added my tracks to those of the deer and coyotes.

That guy must have just transferred up from Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, Fed Ex doesn't follow the same rules as the Post Office...neither rain, snow, sleet or hail can stop the mail from being delivered. They need to toughen up and be like our fabulous US Postal Workers. (They might deliver it to you, but it may be summer by the time it gets there!) Take what you can get!
