Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Waiting for the end of hunting season

Just five more days.  The last week of the season is usually busy, with everyone in a rush to fill their tags.  I'm staying close to the house.

It was about 28° when I took these.  With the right gear on, it was comfortable, especially with a thermos of hot coffee.  I stayed out for about three hours, until a light snow started to fall.  Good to be outside.


  1. Whatcha readin'?

  2. This one, ironically enough, is Goodbye to a River, by John Graves. I've read it before, but I dip into it from time to time to get a feel for Graves's storytelling and ruminations from his three week canoe trip down the Brazos River.

  3. Is there any smut in it?

    I'd have to want to read REALLY bad to put on all those clothes and sit out there in the cold! Brrrrr.....

  4. No smut. No heaving breasts or throbbing members. Do they still write like that?

  5. I'll have to send you some smut to read. I sure hope MK doesn't read will make her have fan hands for sure!
