Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Random Thoughts From Sula

Clark's Nutcracker

  • I'm glad there are only two weeks left in the general hunting season.
  • I've never seen so many trucks full of men wearing orange. Apparently their goal is to drive down every single road in the upper valley, looking for new places to hunt. They are everywhere.  A few have come down my road, past all the signs that say Private Road and No Forest Access.  On my way to the mailbox, I see their tracks in the snow where they turned around when they realized it really is a private, dead end road.  Luckily, they figure it out before they get to my place.
  • I still usually walk to my mailbox, which is out on East Fork Road, about three quarters of a mile from the cabin, one way.
  • Until recently, I'd never worn a scarf.  That's a handy item of clothing.
  • I'm hoping to get in a few more hikes after hunting season if all the trails aren't covered. I think it'll be a while before I can use my snowshoes.
  • I remember when freezing used to feel like freezing.  Now 32° just feels like "at least it's not 4°."


  1. I'm going to mail you a letter - so you will have a good reason to walk to the mailbox!

  2. Thanks! The squirrel and I are out there almost every day.

  3. I'll have to find the perfect card...may take me a few days!

  4. I find your blog entries highly entertaining. I live in south central MT and know your area fairly well, so I nod a lot in agreement as I read.

    I'm going into my third winter here (after growing up in Seattle), and I can completely agree with how mild the winters seem after a few weeks of deep snow. People outside Montana don't understand how balmy it can feel at 32 degrees.

  5. Thanks Mary! It's great to hear from another Montanan. We are also enjoying your blog.
