Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday in Hamilton, Montana (Part 2)

To see Part 1, scroll down or click here.

After the Farmers Market, Mari and I went to the Bitterroot Public Library, armed with our shiny new library cards. I don't remember the last time I had a library card. This is a neat library, and busy. It's good to see that people still love books in this age of instant gratification.

Mari and I have both begun reading Ivan Doig's memoir, This House of Sky: Landscapes of a Western Mind, which is generally regarded as the best book about life in Montana. I'll let you know what we think of it as we get into it.

Riding around Hamilton without any plans, we decided to go for a hike. Roaring Lion Creek is near Mari's house, but we picked this hike mainly because there were no other cars at the trailhead.

The water is always low this late in the season, but with such a dry September, it was especially low.

There is still a bit of smoke in the air from the Kootenai Creek fire north of Hamilton.

The cool, wet weather has subdued the fire, but a few areas are still smoldering. More rain and snow are forecast for the next couple of days, and that should put an end to fire season.

The fall colors are here.

We weren't well prepared for a hike because we didn't bring any water, so we only did a short out and back trip.

On to lunch. Nap's Grill is a locally owned family restaurant that makes the best burgers in Western Montana. They have an old style works bar, where you can get your fresh lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and pretty much anything else you'd want to put on a burger.  This is their 12 ounce burger.
I can only eat half of it at one sitting, so I always cut it in two and take the other half home. Good eatin.' Both times.

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