Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

National Forest Access

There is a lot of National Forest land on both sides of the Bitterroot Valley. On almost any section of Highway 93, you continously pass road signs marking National Forest Access points. The signs are usually posted near unpaved forest service roads, and a trip down these side roads often reveals beautiful backcountry scenery, numerous trailheads and a few National Forest campgrounds.  There are so many different roads and trails that it could take years to fully explore them all.

Here are some of the views down the Warm Springs Road north and west of Sula.  About six miles in is the beautiful Crazy Creek Campground.

From the middle of the campground, a trail crosses the creek and heads into the backcountry.


  1. Nice photos, really nice. The bottom photo looks like it might be a dam built by actual least to a city girl it does. Don't laugh.

  2. Spectacular fall colors and nice beaver build. That is all I'm going to say about that one... thank me later LDB and Penni.

  3. That is a real beaver dam. There are several in this area. In all seriousness, beavers are most active at dawn and dusk. One of these days I'll go hang out by one of their ponds at dusk and try to get some pictures.

    On a backpacking trip to the Bob a few years ago, I camped near a stream where a family of beavers was at work ferrying branches to their lodge. It was the highlight of the trip.

  4. I vote for you camping out to get pictures of the beavers. Oo, oo, oo...take a VIDEO of it! I have never seen such a thing. Thanks for educating us!
