Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This is Java Fusion, the coffee shop in Hamilton where Mari spends a couple of days a week. It's a laid-back, artsy place, the polar opposite of the big city Starbucks.  That's high praise in my book. Here's a recent article from the Ravalli Republic highlighting the artsy side of Java Fusion.

Lisa Jean is the proprietor. She's got a funny, dry wit, and she's a stickler about coffee. She micro-roasts her own coffee beans. I'm no coffee maven, but I understand that's a big deal. And if a drink doesn't turn out the way she wants it, she'll dump it out and start over. Things were turning out the last time I was there. "Manna from Heaven," she declared, as she put the finishing touches on a latte.

Plotting to corner the Bitterroot Valley coffee market.

Bet you haven't heard this in a while:

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