Photos to accompany Walks in Wild Yellowstone:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Driving From Sula to Hamilton


  1. Dude, those pictures are seriously amazing. That is beautiful country up there!


  2. Thanks D-Liz. It's hard to take a bad picture with this kind of scenery.

  3. Ok - love the little river/pond/whatever next to the road. But, where's the guard rail and multitude of signs to keep the idiot drivers who text/talk on their cell phones from running into it. Are people better drivers in Montana?

    Gorgeous pictures...keep it up!

  4. There's very little signage on the roads up here, even when you need it. I think it's due to the Western mentality that people want to, and should be able to, fend for themselves. I haven't noticed much talking/texting while driving. I hope it's because Montanans don't want to be quite THAT connected.
